Glossary of Compensation Terms

December 2020

“DSU”; Deferred Share Unit: commonly known as “Deferred Share Units”, DSUs are essentially RSUs; however, DSUs are paid upon retirement or termination. DSUs are typically offered to directors or to executives as part of a voluntary bonus deferral.

Grant: the issuance of equity awards.

“LTIs,” “LTIP”; Long-term Incentives, Long-term Incentive Plan: LTIPs link compensation to a period that typically exceeds twelve months (typically three to five years) to retain, incentivize and motivate employees. LTIs are most commonly equity-based, but cash-based plans are also used. LTIs may include (but not limited to) restricted units, performance units, deferred units, and stock options.

LTIP mix: the different equity-based components that make up a LTIP, which may include varying proportions of different vehicles across an organization.

“NEOs”; Named Executive Officers: defined (by CND Securities Regulators) as the top 5 highest paid executives.

“PSU”; Performance Share Unit: commonly known as “Performance Share Units”, PUs are essentially Restricted Units with the addition of a performance adjustment – a positive or negative performance factor is applied to the ending period unit value.

“RSU”; Restricted Share Unit: commonly known as “Restricted Share Units”, RUs are time-vested awards of notional shares that are settled in cash or common shares (from treasury or open market) typically 3 years after the grant date of the award.

“STIs,” “STIP”; Short-term Incentives, Short-term Incentive Plan: annual cash bonus whereby payouts are typically based upon achievement of short-term (1-year) objectives (financial, operating, strategic, individual).

“TCC”; Total Cash Compensation: the sum of an employee’s base salary + short-term incentives (“STIP”, i.e., annual bonus), excluding long-term incentive compensation, “other compensation” (e.g., benefits, perquisites) and pension.

“TDC”; Total Direct Compensation: the sum of an employee’s base salary + short-term incentives (“STIP”, i.e., annual bonus) + long-term incentives, excluding “other compensation” (e.g., benefits, perquisites) and pension.

"TSR"; Total Shareholder Return: a performance measure, often used in context of LTIP awards, which measures a shareholder value creation over a time period. Often evaluated relative to a group of similar peer companies.

Vesting Period: the period of time during which equity awards come into a person's possession - typically 3 years.